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CIS Site Coordinator Assists with Perfect Attendance Incentive Van

Our Site Coordinator at Boyd Elementary School, Shirkia Spearman, assisted in the Boyd Bobcat Incentive Van.

The idea behind the Boyd Bobcat Incentive Van was to give incentives, including class dojo points, to students who had perfect attendance for the week of school. Perfect attendance consisted of those students who successfully logged in every day. Class dojo points are points earned for students who participate during class using the virtual platform.

Shirkia states, “I came up with the theme Candyland because we gave out candy bags and certificates. I decorated the van because I wanted the students to have an experience. The ambiance added to the excitement, and kids were totally surprised by the décor! I wanted this incentive to be more meaningful than just a pull-up and drop off. Their eyes lit up when seeing the gumdrops from the ceilings. Both the students and parent alike were excited.”

This was the first incentive to kick off the school year, and it will be a monthly activity that promotes family engagement and academic and attendance involvement. Students await next month’s van incentive activity as October will be a spooky one!

Thank you for your dedication to our students, Shirkia. We love that you are #allinforkids!

Fun fact: September is National Attendance Month!



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